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Aura Noir - Conqueror Logosk
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Aura Noir - Conqueror Logosk
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 Aura Noir - Conqueror

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ĿоvêŁЧ ~ ìмŝî
ĿоvêŁЧ ~ ìмŝî

Aura Noir - Conqueror Empty
MesajKonu: Aura Noir - Conqueror   Aura Noir - Conqueror I_icon_minitimeSalı Ara. 02, 2008 6:59 pm

So you've come for your vengeance
Hear - I think the crowd is silent
Of me you have dreamt
I have grown (I built my domain on your hate)
Mock your words
I will laugh in disrespect
then wash my hands in your blood
A face of fright you revealed to me
with which I painted my eyes
Delight me with death for this tires my soul
and soon eyes of black shall arise...
Hear crowd - my heart
The delicate thunder
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Aura Noir - Conqueror
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