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Hilary Duff - Cry Logosk
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Hilary Duff - Cry Logosk
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 Hilary Duff - Cry

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Hilary Duff - Cry Empty
MesajKonu: Hilary Duff - Cry   Hilary Duff - Cry I_icon_minitimePerş. Eyl. 03, 2009 10:38 pm

Cry love
Cry war
Cry innocence
That is lost forever more
Cry joy
Cry thief
Cry beautiful
That is just beyond belief
So I

Cry at the end
Cry 'cause it all begins again
Here you are
And so am I
And we cry

Cry alone
Cry to me
Cry freedom
Then let yourself be free
To shed the tears
That have to flow
To hold somebody close to you
And then to let them go


Cry peace
Cry hate
Cry faithlessness
Then just have a little faith

Cry at the end
Cry 'cause it all begins again
Here you are
And so am I
And we try to be true
Try 'cause we're only passing through..

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Hilary Duff - Cry
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