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Hilary Duff - Gypsy Woman Logosk
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Hilary Duff - Gypsy Woman Logosk
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 Hilary Duff - Gypsy Woman

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MesajKonu: Hilary Duff - Gypsy Woman   Hilary Duff - Gypsy Woman I_icon_minitimePerş. Eyl. 03, 2009 10:43 pm

Was it a face that invaded your mind
A kind that wasn�t hard to find
She lets you think that you found her first
That's how she works
Her sick and twisted gypsy curse
She can swallow knives
She can swallow lives
Golden black stare
But the night of your demise..

Try to runaway with the gypsy woman
Here today then gone for good
Can't get away with a gypsy woman
Thought no one would know
Your secrets down below
But you can't go
Can't go with her
Can't go
Can't go with her
The gypsy woman

This is a favorite game to play
She's got you stumbling
Talks with a grin
Cause she's got no shame
Enjoy the fame
Bringing down the family name

Try to runaway with the gypsy woman
Good today then gone for good
Can't get away with a gypsy woman
Thought no one would know
Your secrets down below
But you can't go
Can't go with her
Can't go
Can't go with her
The gypsy woman
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